Flavoured E-Liquid Ban? A Threat to Jobs, Adult Freedom, and the Future of Vaping Regulation

Flavoured E-Liquid Ban: A Threat to Jobs, Adult Freedom, and the Future of Vaping Regulation

The UK government’s recent proposal to ban flavoured e-liquids has sparked widespread debate, not only within the vaping community but also across industries and public health sectors. While the ban is being proposed to protect children from accessing these products, it raises significant concerns about adult freedom of choice and the potential impact on employment in the vaping industry. Could this ban inadvertently push people back to smoking, rather than achieving the intended goal? Let’s explore the key issues surrounding the ban and possible alternatives to address these concerns effectively.


Impact on Jobs in the Vaping Industry

The vaping industry has become a major player in the UK economy, providing thousands of jobs across manufacturing, distribution, and retail. With approximately 3.2 million vapers in the UK as of 2022, according to Public Health England (PHE), the demand for products such as e-liquids has fuelled rapid growth in the sector. However, if the government moves forward with its ban on flavoured e-liquids, the economic impact could be devastating for small businesses and workers alike.

Specialized vape shops rely heavily on the sale of flavoured e-liquids, which often make up a sizeable part of their revenue. An estimated 17,000 jobs are linked to the vaping industry in the UK, and many of these could be at risk if flavoured products are removed from shelves. Not only would vape shops face closures, but the ripple effect would also affect suppliers, wholesalers, and manufacturers that produce and distribute these products.

The loss of flavoured e-liquids could lead to a sharp decline in vape shop foot traffic, as many adult consumers prefer flavoured options over tobacco flavours. This economic shock would hit not just business owners, but the many employees who depend on these jobs to make a living.


A Threat to Adult Choice and Smoking Cessation

One of the most troubling aspects of the proposed ban is the removal of flavoured e-liquids, a crucial tool for adult smokers trying to quit. Public Health England has consistently backed vaping as a 95% less harmful alternative to smoking. Flavoured e-liquids help many former smokers stay away from tobacco, offering a variety of tastes that make vaping more appealing and less likely to lead back to cigarettes.

Banning flavoured e-liquids would take away an essential part of the harm reduction strategy that has been so successful in recent years. Adults should have the freedom to choose how they transition away from smoking, and flavoured e-liquids play a significant role in helping millions of people in the UK do just that. Removing this choice could force some vapers back to smoking, which would counteract years of public health progress.


How Are Children Getting Access to Vapes?

The government’s stated goal is to protect children from vaping, which is a legitimate concern. But is banning flavoured e-liquids really the solution? Evidence suggests that the real issue lies in how underage individuals are accessing these products, often from unregulated shops that don’t adhere to proper age verification practices.

Illegal or unregulated shops are notorious for selling non-TPD-compliant products (which are potentially more harmful), and many do not enforce strict ID checks. According to Trading Standards, more than 30% of underage sales of vapes occur at shops without proper regulations or a robust ID policy. These are the shops that don’t operate within the same ethical framework as legitimate vape businesses, and a ban on flavours won’t address the root of the problem.

Moreover, children are gaining access to illegal products that are non-compliant with UK safety regulations. This could increase the risk of health problems, as non-regulated products may contain dangerous chemicals or nicotine concentrations higher than the legal limit of 20 mg/ml.


The Risk of Expanding the Illegal Market

One of the unintended consequences of banning flavoured e-liquids is the increased likelihood of a black-market surge. When legal, regulated products are no longer available, the demand doesn’t simply vanish—it shifts to illegal sources. History has shown that whenever a product is banned, the black-market steps in to fill the gap. In the case of a flavour ban, unregulated and potentially harmful e-liquids could flood the market, putting both adults and youth at greater risk.

Without proper regulations, black market products often bypass safety checks, leading to harmful ingredients or dangerously high nicotine levels. These products could become easier for underage individuals to access, as illegal sellers won’t have the same ID enforcement as legitimate businesses. Thus, rather than reducing youth access to vaping, a flavour ban could increase the availability of unsafe products to minors, counteracting the very goal the government aims to achieve.

The U.S. experience with vaping regulations offers a clear warning. In 2019, after several states such as New York and Michigan implemented flavour bans, the black market for vaping products, especially those containing THC, grew rapidly. These illegal products were often adulterated with vitamin E acetate, a thickening agent linked to serious lung illnesses and deaths. The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirmed that most of the affected patients had used black-market vaping products containing THC, which were not subject to the same safety standards as regulated products.

Rather than curbing the problem, these bans led to a surge in unsafe products, which were more easily accessible to minors through unregulated sources. This increased the risk to public health and made it more difficult to control access. A comparable situation could arise in the UK if flavoured e-liquids are banned, leading to a rise in unregulated and potentially dangerous products filling the gap, while making it easier for underage users to obtain them.

Ensuring that vaping products remain within a regulated framework, sold through licensed vendors who enforce strict ID checks, is a far more effective strategy to protect both adults and children.


Introducing a Licensing System for Vape Shops

One solution to tackle the problem at its source is to introduce a licensing system for vape shops, like alcohol sales. Under this system, only licensed vape shops would be allowed to sell e-cigarette products, ensuring that they follow regulations and enforce strict ID policies, such as Challenge 25. Licensed shops would have educated staff who understand the regulations and ensure that only legal and regulated products are sold.

By requiring vape shops to adhere to these stringent guidelines, the government could significantly reduce the availability of e-cigarettes to underage buyers while maintaining adult access to the products that help them quit smoking. This would also minimize the sale of unregulated and potentially dangerous products, as non-compliant sellers would be shut down.


Addressing the Issue of Parental Purchasing

Another issue that isn’t being discussed enough is parental purchasing – the act of adults buying vaping products for their children. While this is a less visible problem, it contributes significantly to underage vaping. Vape shop staff are already trained to spot proxy purchases and refuse sales if they suspect someone is buying for a minor. However, this is difficult to enforce once the products leave the shop.

A more effective solution could be to introduce fines for parents whose children are caught vaping, like truancy fines. This would discourage parents from purchasing vapes for their children, while also raising awareness among those who may not realize their children are vaping. In this case, the fine serves as a wake-up call, motivating parents to take appropriate action to prevent future incidents.


Balancing Adult Freedom and Child Protection

A blanket ban on flavoured e-liquids is a short-sighted approach that risks more harm than good. Rather than taking away the choice from adults who rely on vaping to quit smoking, the government should focus on addressing the genuine issues – unregulated shops, poor ID enforcement, and parental purchasing.

It’s crucial that any policy change balances the need to protect children with the rights of adults who are looking for safer alternatives to smoking. Education plays a key role, particularly for parents, who need to understand the risks of 20mg nicotine strength products like disposable vapes, which are the most popular products among children today.


How You Can Act

If you're concerned about the ban on flavoured e-liquids and want to make your voice heard, there are a few steps you can take. A petition titled "Don’t Ban Flavoured E-Liquids for E-Cigarettes" has been created to gather support and potentially trigger a parliamentary debate. You can sign the petition below.

(Petitions - UK Government and Parliament)​(Vapoholic)


World Vapers' Alliance (WVA)

The World Vapers' Alliance (WVA) is a global movement advocating for adult vapers' rights and promoting vaping as a safer alternative to smoking. The WVA is committed to ensuring that adult vapers continue to have access to the products they need to quit smoking, while working with governments to create reasonable regulations that protect consumers. They organize campaigns, rallies, and petitions to fight bans on vaping products like flavoured e-liquids. You can learn more about their initiatives and how to support them below.

(World Vapers' Alliance)



The UK government’s proposal to ban flavoured e-liquids could have far-reaching consequences – from job losses in the vaping industry to a rollback in public health progress. Rather than taking away adult freedom of choice, policymakers should focus on tightening regulation, introducing licensing for vape shops, and enforcing strict ID policies. Additionally, a fine system for parents whose children are caught vaping could help tackle the issue of underage access.

Banning flavoured e-liquids isn’t the solution. A more comprehensive approach is needed to protect children while preserving the ability of adults to choose a healthier alternative to smoking.